Strength exercises at home for weight loss

You don't have to go to the gym to stay fit, healthy and fit. You can do it at home, spending only 40 minutes several times a week. The most effective form of home training is resistance training. Thanks to them you can quickly tighten muscles and improve the quality of the body. The main thing is to choose the right equipment for home training and to work out the technique of the exercises.

The benefits of strength training

Strength training at home is recommended for both men and women. They are used not only to increase muscle but also to lose weight.

This is due to the fact that strength training helps to activate the process of burning fat. After all, the more muscle mass, the less fat, as the body expends a large number of calories to serve the muscles.

Therefore, as a result of home weight training, you can get rid of excess weight and achieve a beautiful muscle relief.

Home training equipment

It is convenient to use dumbbells as equipment for performing exercises at home. Several pieces of different weights are available. But it is worth bearing in mind that strength training involves the progression of the load. Therefore, over time you will have to buy new ones. To avoid having to do this, you can buy folding dumbbells, the weight of which can be easily changed by removing or hanging additional discs.

dumbbells for weight loss

Some exercises are easier to do with a barbell. In this case, you will need a bar and a few pancakes. You do not need to buy very heavy discs, as it is difficult to take a lot of weight at home. This requires special safety frames, stands, etc. And taking a loaded barbell off the floor is harmful and dangerous for the back.

barbell for home training

For girls, weights will be useful for some exercises. They are usually used to strengthen the legs and buttocks.

exercise with leg weights

In addition, it is worth paying attention to such sports equipment as rubber fitness straps. They practically do not take up space, are easy to use and are suitable for any level of physical training due to their different degree of hardness. When you train, these bands stretch, creating resistance that the muscles must overcome.

rubber bands for weight loss

For starters, you can do without any purchased equipment at all and use bottles of water or sand instead. A backpack with heavy books will also work. But soon such a load will not be enough, so you will have to visit a sports equipment store or sign up for a gym. Otherwise, progress will stop and you will not be able to achieve a better result.

The best exercises

The best exercises for both weight loss and muscle building are the basic exercises. Sources often advise girls to perform numerous kicks and other isolation exercises. It is believed that this helps to lose weight in the hips and strengthen the buttocks. But you must understand that fat is not burned locally. The nature of the fat layer is such that the excess comes out evenly throughout the body. Exercises performed in no way affect what you will lose weight in the first place.

Isolation exercises usually do not consume too many calories. Therefore, they should not be performed to lose weight, but to complete the muscles at the end of the workout.

The basic exercises are very energy consuming. They engage several muscle groups, stimulate the production of growth hormones and trigger metabolic processes.


One of the most effective exercises for losing weight and strengthening the muscles of the lower body are squats. Many girls do it, but not all do it right, as it is quite difficult to fully master the technique.

Therefore, it is not recommended for beginners to take the weights immediately. The first workouts should be done with your own weight.

Execution technique:

  1. Place your legs wider than your shoulders, turn your socks slightly to the side so that they are pointing in the same direction as your knees. Straighten your chest and shoulders, keep your back straight.
  2. Returning your pelvis back, sit at least parallel to the floor. It is advisable to go a little further down. This will maximize the load on the rear parts.
  3. The position of the body should be such that the body is perpendicular to the surface and the knees do not protrude beyond the toes. To do this, you need to be flexible enough. Therefore, in your free time you should pay attention to stretching.
  4. At the lowest point you need to make sure that the lower back is not rounded and "does not bite". First you can put your palm on it. Then it will become clear what it is.
  5. It is necessary to return to the starting position due to the efforts of the gluteal muscles.
  6. To avoid unnecessary strain on the joints, the knees cannot be fully extended.
squats for weight loss

Once you have learned and provided the correct squat technique, you can take dumbbells or barbells. Weight should be increased gradually. This will help you avoid injuries and keep moving forward.


After squatting, it is recommended to make strokes. Such a ligament allows you to stretch the buttocks even more and strengthen the muscles faster.

There are many options for performing attacks: stepping forward, backward, sideways, diagonally, attacks while walking, etc.

You can try several and choose the most effective for yourself. Variations can be alternated from time to time to diversify your training program.

For all types of attacks, the basic rules of execution will be the same:

  • the step must be wide enough;
  • the angle at the knee of the working (front) leg must be straight;
  • the back should remain flat and perpendicular to the floor throughout the exercise;
  • the knee of the support leg must not touch the floor;
  • body weight should mainly fall on the heel of the working foot.
punches with dumbbells for weight loss

By following this technique, you can strengthen the gluteal muscles and the muscles of the front of the thigh in a short time. For faster results you can take dumbbells. But this should be done only after the exercise has been carefully developed.

Gluteal bridge

Isolation exercise for the buttocks - lying on the back of the pelvis. Many consider him exclusively female. But men, especially those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, also need to strengthen their gluteal muscles. Therefore, this exercise can be safely included in the home training program for the stronger sex.

Execution technique:

  1. Lie on your back with your cross firmly pressed to the floor. Stretch your arms out over your body.
  2. Squeezing the buttocks, raise the pelvis as high as possible.
  3. It is important to ensure that there is no discomfort in the cervical spine. If the weight of the body falls on the cervical spine, you can relax your shoulders on a bench or other object.
  4. At the end point, pause for a few seconds, tensing the gluteal muscles as much as possible.
  5. Then you have to go down slowly. The bed should not be placed on the floor. In order for the load to be continuous, you must start the next repetition immediately.
gluteal bridge for weight loss

By placing a pancake with a barbell on your pelvis, you can increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

Row from dumbbells to belt

The back muscles at home can be strengthened by pulling dumbbells to the waist.

Execution technique:

  1. Take the starting position, tilting the body forward about 45 degrees and slightly bend the knees. In this case, the back should be flat with a slight deviation in the lower back.
  2. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them down.
  3. On the exhale, bring the shoulder blades together and lift the dumbbells to the belt, making sure the elbows are parallel to each other.
  4. When stopping at the top point, you should slowly lower the dumbbells.
pull the dumbbell to the belt

In this exercise, the muscles of the back should work, not the arms.

Biceps curls

To strengthen your arm muscles, you need to do biceps and triceps exercises. This is necessary not only for men who want to increase their volume, but also for women. In fact, due to lack of physical activity, the skin in this area begins to sag and become sagging.

The most popular biceps exercise is dumbbell curling. Implementation is quite easy. The main thing is to lift dumbbells due to muscle tension, not to throw them away by force of inertia.

lifting biceps for weight loss

To do this, you do not need to pull at the starting point and make sure that the elbows remain still throughout the movement.

Extending the arms on the slope

To strengthen the triceps, you can do an arm extension with dumbbells at an angle.

Execution technique:

  1. Bend your knees slightly and tilt your body forward at 45-60 degrees. Keep your back straight.
  2. Take dumbbells and bend your elbows at right angles so that your shoulders are parallel to the floor.
  3. On the exhale, fully extend your arms back.
  4. Stay at the end point, feeling the tension in the triceps.
  5. Then slowly fold your arms again, returning to the starting position.
extension of the shoulders on the slope

By the end of the approach, a characteristic sensation of muscle burning in the triceps should be felt.

Dumbbell press

To give relief and contouring of the upper body, it is necessary to perform exercises on the shoulders. One of the most effective is the standing dumbbell press.

Execution technique:

  1. Stand up straight, lift dumbbells to shoulder level. The elbows should be perpendicular to the floor.
  2. As you exhale, you need to squeeze them so that they practically touch. The dumbbells must follow the same trajectory. Do not fully extend your elbows.
  3. The dumbbells must then be lowered in a controlled manner to the shoulders.
dumbbell press

Girls should also do this exercise. Women are often afraid to shrug, but will not be able to significantly increase their size. As a result of the exercises, they will gain only a slight relief, which will free them from ambiguity and make the outline of the body clearer.

Training program

Circuit training is most effective for weight loss, in which the exercises in the complex are performed without a break one after the other. In one such lesson, the muscles of the whole body are developed. It is necessary to make 3-4 rounds with breaks between them for 2-3 minutes.

The table shows a circuit training program that includes the exercises discussed above. At the end of each round, two abdominal exercises are performed.

Exercise Repetitions
Squats with dumbbells twenty
Dumbbell attacks 15
Gluteal bridge twenty
Row from dumbbells to the stomach 15
Lifting dumbbells for biceps 15
Extension of the arms at an angle to the triceps 15
Shoulder dumbbell press 15
Crunch in the press 20-30
Lift the legs lying on your back on the press 15–20

It is worth conducting such training 2-3 times a week. You do not need to exercise more often, as the muscles need to have time to recover. On days off, you can do cardio workouts that will speed up the weight loss process.

It is worth bearing in mind that weight loss is impossible without proper nutrition and calorie deficit. The result depends on this by 70%. In addition, you do not need a solid diet, but a balanced diet. Then the muscles will be strengthened and the body will become thin and in shape.